Buck and Doe
Buck and Doe
American Eagle
American Eagle
We love watching the many hummingbirds who visit the bee balm patches
We love watching the many hummingbirds who visit the bee balm patches
Caught on the Game Camera
Caught on the Game Camera
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Wild Turkeys are Frequent Visitors
Wild Turkeys are Frequent Visitors
Red Tail Hawk
Red Tail Hawk
Every now an again a bear will pass by
Every now an again a bear will pass by
Deer enjoy are back field but generally  don't bother our gardens
Deer enjoy are back field but generally don't bother our gardens
Purple Finch
Purple Finch
Scarlet Tanager - An infrequent but welcome guest
Scarlet Tanager - An infrequent but welcome guest
Lots of frogs visit the 3 ponds
Lots of frogs visit the 3 ponds
Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting
Cotton tail
Cotton tail
this is one fat gray squirrel. Red squirrels are also here and fun to watch.
this is one fat gray squirrel. Red squirrels are also here and fun to watch.
A good friend has a honey bee yard on the property so we always have lots of honeybees to pollinate
A good friend has a honey bee yard on the property so we always have lots of honeybees to pollinate
one of many types of woodpeckers
one of many types of woodpeckers
Th pond attracts lots of damsel and dragonflies
Th pond attracts lots of damsel and dragonflies
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